
REP (the Relationship Education Project) is Safe Harbor’s dating violence prevention and education program. Formerly known as The Megan Project, REP is designed to enhance students’ awareness of relationship abuse and healthy relationships through education and interaction.


Safe Harbor's Prevention Coordinators visit classrooms and community spaces targeting adolescents throughout Anderson, Greenville, Oconee, and Pickens Counties. They talk with young people about characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships, the cycle of abuse and the warning signs of relationship abuse. The conversation also includes current stories regarding dating abuse, and explains what students can do if they or someone they know is involved in a violent or dangerous relationship.

Students are involved in the subject matter through discussion, and are encouraged to express their own opinion and thoughts. Lastly, we spend time practicing and discussing healthy relationship skills, such as communication, boundaries, self-respect, and more. 


  • Engage, educate, and empower students to make healthy relationship choices and bring this knowledge to their community.
  • Help eradicate dating violence and build a future generation of advocates for dating and domestic abuse.

Visit to learn more about dating violence prevention and education, or to schedule REP for your school or community group.


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